Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Good Enough"

I'm no Barbie
I'm not perfect
I'm not blonde
I'm not a stick figure
I'm not going to become what you want.

I am imperfect
I am a brunette
I am the definition of 'curvy'
I am what I am
I will stay this way until someone loves it.

I have flat brown eyes
And fly away stray hairs that never stay in place.
I don't wear make up
I wear lip balm.
I don't like hip huggers

I love my sneakers
And I hate heels.
I don't get my nails done
But, I don't bite them like most girls do.
I have bags under my eyes from worry and stress

I have love handles
And my calves are thick

I have ten fingers
I have ten toes
I have two eyes
And no spare body parts
My mother thought I was perfect that way.

Why isn't that good enough for you?

Original Posted Date: Wednesday September 07, 2011

***The picture is NOT my work***

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